Today TLAP launched a report that looks at the Social Return on Investment (SROI) for Local Area Coordination in Derby, alongside another that compares the results with Thurrock. The report was funded by TLAP and developed from our work with a number of health and wellbeing boards to embed our earlier ‘Strong and Inclusive Communities Framework’.
You can read the report here.
Headline facts:
- Derby City Council are supporting residents to be less reliant on traditional services and instead provide community based solutions to their problems
- The SROI found that for a three year forecast period with 10 Local Area Coordinators, £4.00 of social value would be earned for every £1.00 invested.
- The evaluation found that people had improved health and wellbeing, for instance, by having less social isolation, increased confidence, independence and control over their lives.
- Local Area Coordination supports the Councils’ duties under the Care Act to empower individuals and improve health and wellbeing outcomes through community solutions. It also supports the Five Year Forward View assertion to focus on prevention, person centred and flexible care through local and joined up support.
- The purpose of the analysis was to measure impact of Local Area Coordination across Derby City Council showing the value and cost benefit to support continued investment through the Better care Fund and Adult Social Care Funding and potential value should the service be expanded to all 17 wards.
- The analysis was initially completed for Thurrock Council based on nine Local Area Coordinators in July 2015. Then followed by an analysis for Derby based on ten LAC in November 2015.
There are two reports: Social Value of Local Area Coordination in Derby/Executive Summary and Learning Outcomes from Thurrock Council & Derby City Council SROI Analyses.